Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Leaders Just Wanna Have Fun!

When I spend time with leaders from all walks of life, one thing is glaringly obvious. Many have become so absorbed in their work that they forget that there is a person inside of the leader that needs to come out and play. Also, there is more to life than assignments, deadlines and projects. Leaders need to learn the secret art of BALANCE. Leaders need to have more sex, (yes I said SEX!) listen to music, go to concerts, movies, plays and sport outings that are not business related. People must have an outlet to relieve subtle pressures that builds because of day to day, monotonous task that appears to be free of stress. Yes, the daily routine might be easy, but coupled with a schedule filled with "easy work" one can become mentally tired, which eventually leads to physical, mental, relational and economical breakdowns.

What do you do to relax? Would you like some suggestions and/or do you have any tips as to how one can create ways of stress free living in a very demanding and hectic life? Contact me on this blog with your questions and suggestions. Until next time, "be the change"!

Also, send me any comments you may have on these upcoming topics.

Money Management

Sexual Health

Tips for Leaders

Life after Divorce

How to find a date

Single and Happy

Race Relations

Is there anything you want me to talk about? Let me hear it!